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  Gbox Managing v0.99k Beta

Gbox Managing version 0.99k beta

Tested on Win Xp,Win 2003 & Win 2000

.Net Framwork 1.1 is needed: Download

version 0.99l
-Box Start/Stop (alpha)-> Have a look at the How To below
-Local Cards Bug hopefully fixed
-Box Logging didn't start if GM starts in FileMode - fixed

version 0.99k
-DoubleClick on Line in Local Cards View will show Carddetails
-MultilineBoxes for Autosending in Settings
-Button Clear deletes now gsms.log from Box/Server depending on chosen mode
-Start bug fixed (should start now on every PC without Exeption)
-Serverpath is linked to Startdirectory of GM if Serverpath is incorrect or not setted up
-Default Box-Ips changed

version 0.99j
-many bugs fixed

version 0.99i
-many bugs fixed
-using fixed fonts in all Views
-New Label: Cards/user Online. Autoupdating in File Mode. To update in box mode, click on User Online/Card Online
-MultiBox Control - you can control up to 3 boxes

version 0.99g
-added Telnetbox

version 0.99b
-Two color Mode...Lime in Box Mode...Gold in File Mode
-bugs fixed

version 0.99
-Added UDP Listner for Box Logging->see How to below
-bugs fixed

version 0.98
-renamed to "gbox managing"
-added cfg/key editor (still to be improved)

version 0.97
-Added Button Statistics
-ident.info is used to identify card in "Cards Online" view.

Get ident.info here:

version 0.96
-Added Attack Window
-Added Clear Logs Button
-Better Errorhandling

version 0.95
-Added Autosend GSMS on Start/Stop gbox

version 0.94
-Online Card Status
-ToolTips added
-Autoload Sharingpartners in GSMS Combobox when Gbox started

version 0.93
-Added GSMS log box
-Incoming Messages are auto readed (at this Moment Winserver only)
-Code optimized

version 0.92
-Added Button "Local Cards"
-Added Status Bar

version 0.91
-Added Button "User Online" -> Shows user details
-GM mow runs in systray
-New Fontcolor: Gold
-Fixed some bugs..

version 0.90
-First beta

How TO

What is it?
-This tool allows you to run a gbox Windows server with GUI
-This tool allows you to control/log a gbox running on your box
-A Config a Key Editor
-This Tool allows you to Read and Write GSMS Messages via your gbox running on your box or via a gbox windows server.

How to use?

There are 2 Modes :
Box Mode:
-Controls Gbox on your Dream or D-Box:
 -Set up your Start Command or script including its path in Settings, e.g.:
 /var/script/gbox_cam.sh stop

-Logs from your Dream or D-Box:
 -To activate the BoxLogging mode setup the Port in Settings of GM you want to listen to. The gbox_cfg on your Box has to look like this:
 Z: { 01 12 } IPofGboxManager Port
 C: { 02 }
 M: { 02 }

If you click on Gbox Log you should see the Log of you Box.

File Mode:

-Controls Windows Gbox Server.Just put GM into your gbox WIndows Server Folder and setup the Filesettings!!!.

Both Modes:

-Klick on User Online/LocalCards/Gbox Status etc. to change Main View - ident.info is used to identify card in "Cards Online" view
-Klick on "Clear Logs" to delete: atack.txt,online.log,gsms.ack,share.log,gsms.log from Box or Server.
-Write or Read GSMS:Choose your Destination in Combobox-Type your Text and press Send/Click on Read

-To Do.....


Please do not distribute with gbox !!!!

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