Anne Dudek

Darsteller Informationen

Wahre Gefühle

Prior to a showdown in Fillory, Quentin and crew get a crash course in Battle magic. During preparations, frustrations flare leading to some getting closer and others being pulled apart. ...


Sep. 6, 2017 | Drama | 383 | 2016 | FSK: -

The Strangled Heart

Brakebills is thrown into chaos when Penny is violently attacked by someone they thought was a friend while Quentin tries to find a connection to The Beast. After entering a rehab facility, Julia considers giving up magic for good.


Sep. 6, 2017 | Drama | 386 | 2016 | FSK: -

Consequences of Advanced Spellcasting

Quentin and Julia have an unexpected - and volatile - reunion. Penny is overwhelmed by the power of his own psychic abilities and Alice is determined to find out what happened to her missing brother - at any cost.


Sep. 6, 2017 | Drama | 355 | 2016 | FSK: -

The Source of Magic

Quentin is distraught as he faces expulsion for his involvement in an otherworldly attack on Brakebills, while Julia delves deeper into underground magic and takes a test to prove herself to the Hedge Witches.


Sep. 6, 2017 | Drama | 435 | 2016 | FSK: -

The Magicians

Quentin Coldwaters (Jason Ralph) Alltag ist eher trist und grau. Regelmäßig flüchtet sich der Außenseiter in die aufregende Welt seiner geliebten Fantasy-Romane. Doch findet er sich eines Tages plötzlich in seinem eigenen, ganz realen Abenteuer wieder, als er über ein geheimnisvolles College stolpert, in dem junge Menschen zu Magiern ausgebildet werden. Dort findet Quentin auch heraus, dass in ihm selbst magische Fähigkeiten schlummern, die nur darauf warten, entfesselt zu werden.


Sep. 6, 2017 | Drama | 1072 | 2015 | FSK: 16